
Thursday, February 18, 2010
New year, new school, new start
This month i transferred to a new high school... hate school. but i also hated it in my old school so nvm. ever left a school and felt nothing at all, not even missing it the slightest bit? actually i was relieved becos i could finally get rid of the china girl too. met this girl who just came here from singapore too, and shes in my bio class. how she said 'i came to school on the first day with such high hopes, and i came home so disappointed.' and i know exactly how that feels like. seeing life in high school on tv seems so fun and exciting, yet its so far from reality.
life's still been dull since i came here, theres nothing in my memory here that i will look back on. anyway on the bright sight, i have to say that the past month has been my happiest here so far. for once i feel appreciated and important, but its still not enough. i want more. but its nice to have someone to be there when you're down, and caring for you everyday.
money has always been a problem for me, i always hate and love going to malls becos i know i am gonna see so many things that i adore but just cannot afford. recently that has got better somehow. :) but there's something that just pulls me back from falling deeper, and sure im much happier but i just feel like it's just not enough. but yet i know that's impossible, cos you're doing everything you can just to see me smile.

'Cause you wrote my name across your hand
When I freak you understand
There is not a thing you miss
And I could get used to this
I'm feeling it comin' over me
With you it all comes naturally
Lost the reflex to resist
And I could get used to this
If there's a dark side to you I haven't seen it
Every good thing you do feels like you mean it......


Posted by Diane At 9:35 PM

Friday, January 15, 2010
You make me smile so
Today was fun! i didnt feel weird or uncomfortable at all and most importantly, i was myself! and i had the feeling that i wanted to go. been so so long since i had a good laugh and felt completely comfortable, moreover with someone who seems really caring. and not really in that kind of way, just like as a good friend. really cant believe i exercised today, it makes a whole lot of difference who you're with that makes you wanna do it. 3km leh!!!!!!!!!!!!! and i feel like i can say anything to you, there are so many things we have in common. just feels so nice to have someone i can connect with!
but the sad thing is that you didnt talk to me until 6 months later, which makes me wonder sometimes if im that scary. but you said that its cos i seem like the kind of girl who has alot of boyfriends, he even betted with mr ah beng how many i have wtf. wah he said 5 and mr ah beng said more than that. and im the kind of gives the impression that i am very 'high'? wtf? :( so he just didnt dare to although he wanted to. but im glad he did in the end (to copy my homework) which he said was an excuse. and we now talk so easily without having to try, and he thinks im definetely not that kind of girl anymore!! sometimes you just meet someone and you just have the feeling to want to let him in, although i always thought its gonna be a girl. but unfortunately it failed badly for ms china girl. -_-

Posted by Diane At 8:35 PM

Tuesday, January 12, 2010
I think that when you kind of want something that seems hard to get, that doesnt come to you easily like the rest, it always makes you want it more.

THIS IS GAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by Diane At 4:21 PM

Thursday, January 7, 2010
Ever felt what it is like to be completely invisible? Hardly anyone ever notices you. I just realised how invisible i used to be! So many people i have talked to this school year (since august) have been saying how they have nv seen me before last year. One was so so sure i had recently transferred here... I think its cos i used to be so sad each day that i repel everyone around me. Really repel lor! Okay and when i talk to people they always cannot hear me here. :( and no one actually bothers to try and get to know you. A smile can make a whole lot of a difference. And maybe also cos i started to make the effort to dress and look better also la, i think.
Although i still feel really really invisible (mostly on the inside) but at least i try to smile now. People notice you much more and think i am a sweet girl lor! Lol!! But of cos i am not once you get to know me. But the sad thing is that i barely have any girl friends. I think i repel girls also, or they all are too absorbed by their own group of friends. Even accquantiances all that arent girls... and i just dont have someone to tell everything to.

I just put my ipod touch wallpaper to me and jingyuan, so everytime i unlock it i see us! Reminds me of a very special girl friend although very very far away. :)

And i dyed my hair black recently! You must be thinking very lame right, everyone after Os chionging to dye brown or red etc and i dye super black. This is one of a kind hair colour okay. Here too much freedom then all the asians dye other colour, and it looks so boring and common. So dye black = stand out. (in my point of view lol)

Posted by Diane At 6:47 PM

Saturday, December 26, 2009
The outside
My blog song now relates to me so well. :(

I didnt know what i would find, when i went lookin for a reason
i know i didnt read between the lines, and baby i've got nowhere to go
i tried to take the road less traveled by
but nothin seems to work the first few times, am i right

so how could i ever, try to be better
nobody ever lets me in
and i can still see you, this aint the best view
on the outside looking in
ive been alot of places but ive
never been out the outside

you saw me there, but never knew
that i would give it all up to be
a part of this, a part of view
and now its all too late so you see
you could have helped if you wanted
but no one notices until its too, late to do anything

Posted by Diane At 7:49 PM

Friday, December 18, 2009
Ms china girl
Talking to her is really really boring. -.- blame my lousy chinese.

And i am very scared ppl here know about my blog, so must keep super low profile. Cos i think i write alot of bad things about them. Hahahaha.

Posted by Diane At 6:23 PM

Today, i was going to school and stopped by Tim Hortons to buy coffee. After buying my coffee, i went to the table bin with the flap to open the plastic hole thing from my coffee cap. Then while walking there i notice 3 white guys with very light blonde hair sitting behind the bin looking at me. And i could still feel them looking when i was opening my lid! Not 1, 3! Made me feel so so stress that my lid like very hard to open. And i dropped it on the floor. After i picked it up 1 guy said pick up my hat? (there were 2 motorbike hat things or baseball ones on the table). I obviously catch no balls and just smiled and walked away. Then another guy said have a nice day. But i was feeling so awkward to even reply! They seemed like friendly people but feels so weird, still am not used to it...........

Then in class today this guy suddenly asked me if im doing anything after school today. And i wasnt and said no although i should have lied lor. He asked if i wanna hang out with him after school. Then i was thinking, hang out = go out? Yes right? But i felt too bad to say no cos he isnt a very attractive guy and probably doesnt have dates often... Would have this guilt like i didnt want to go because it is with him. I think i watch too many Hannah Montanna shows already, cos that kind of shows always have some not so cute guy ask the girl to prom and she will feel bad and just go with him. Hahaha. I find it much much easier to say no to other guys than to guys like him! Cos somehow i feel like cuter guys will think highly of themselves and all that and it just feels bad to say no to this guy. -.- anyway i felt instant regret cos i know going out here means more or wanting to be more than friends. Make me panic lor, cos i dont wanna be mean to him. So when i met him after school i just said i last minute have to go out with my dad. He still asked me for my number then and i gave it cos it just feels bad. And still accompanied me for my bus and train ride. We chat, but haiya i hate these kind of things. Feels like im giving him the wrong feeling when i just wanna be nice and not feel guilty. And thats not the problem also, i just dont date whoever it is.

Anyway kind of cool la, today a blue grey eyed guy wanted to know me. Lol.

Posted by Diane At 2:19 PM

Monday, December 14, 2009

Hahaha. :D

Posted by Diane At 8:42 PM

Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Did you know that you can get pregnant without having sex? See lor jingyuan i told you its true! Learnt it in class today. The class very uncomfortable sia, so many new words to catch up on. Wtf is scrotum? And they're gonna teach you how to wear condoms! On wooden penises!! Hahahahahaha! Not me k, everyone also must try. Quite funny hahaha. And did you know that you can get condoms for free somewhere? And there is such things as doing it with animals? I didnt know until today! Just interesting to know. Hahaha.

And 1 interesting question, whats your opinion on PDA? Should people do it? Not that its wrong, just very uncomfortable. Imagine you're taking bus or walking down the hallways and you see 2 people having the longest kiss of all times! And its so common here. Not disturbing meh? Then you dont know whether to walk away or what. I think this is the only lesson i actually listen to. -.- but only cos theres so many things i didnt know!

Posted by Diane At 4:48 PM

Friday, November 27, 2009
Bad day
Worst night ever!!! Everyone loves snow right? I hate it to the max!!! So unlucky (as usual). Went shopping with a girl and left at 5pm to catch my bus, cos it only comes once every half hour and the last bus is at 6.15pm. Then the temperature started dipping to -7! and lots and lots of snow everywhere, so slippery. I wearing my power closed toe sandals. And a hoodie. So pathetic!

Then my train broke down! Car accident, i think car collide with the train. Wtf so stupid lor, make the train damn damn crowded and wait so long. So i took it all the way to my train station to take the last bus. (6.15pm -.-) And it was dark already. And i waited with my feet freezing for 15 to 20 min and the bus nv came. And i followed other ppl up to another bus. Asked the bus driver if it goes to near my house area. He said i have to get off at somewhere and change bus.
- Got off after ant moving traffic, i can walk faster than it lor.
- Luckily there was a guy in the same position as me, so i followed him to the next bus stop.
- Freezing like stupid, fell down in the middle of the road
- He's a white guy and the good thing is they talk more so i can keep my mind off the cold
- He lent me his jacket
- Bus nv came again
- Dying of the coldddddddd and my feet were pain and numb with the cold
- After awhile this guy came up and told us the bus has not came since 4.30pm
- Gave up and went to Subway to wait for help (fell again man!)
- Called for a friend to fetch me... Had to wait another hour due to the traffic
- Went to their house to get warmth and cant even go home cos my house is blocked

Sucks to be me! My 5 hour journey home.

Posted by Diane At 10:15 PM

Thursday, November 26, 2009
Today i learnt that: Asking a girl out/on a date means asking her to be your gf.
- . -

Posted by Diane At 9:52 PM

Friday, November 20, 2009
New Moon
Caught it today, a month earlier than in sg. With my old singapore friends who came to visit. I asked her if she liked twilight and she said not really. Then i asked why watch new moon then? Cos Jacob is super super hot. Hahaha! I thought mostly will say Edward. Anyway, dont wanna spoil it for other people. :D
This show everyone have constipated face, like all want to go toilet shyt. And some girls behind me were saying 'omg i love you' when Edward came to the scene. Anyway after the movie, she said omg Jacob is so hot when he is half naked hahahahhaha.

Now there are 2 handsome guys. Heehee.

Posted by Diane At 8:51 PM

Tuesday, November 10, 2009
My family always thinks im lousy.
My friends are empty.
Relationships are boring.
Life needs......... Motivation.............. Colour.......................
I wish it was the way it once was, always so fun and colourful.

Posted by Diane At 6:11 PM

Monday, November 9, 2009
These few days quite shiok, i met a nice boy and a nice girl in my new class. Much much more normal than ms china girl. And both of them asked me out! Heehee.
See how nice he is...

Alot of ppl say i speak good chinese here you know?!?! Hahahaha. Nv ever got that in my life before.
And little compliments make a difference. Hahaha. And becos he's a good nice person too. And ms china girl said she will miss me when i go back to singapore. Awwwwwwwww.
I am back to Viwawa playing Big 2.5. Anyone want to teach me wahjong there?

Posted by Diane At 4:57 PM

Sunday, November 8, 2009
I want this hair colour! With that glossy look.

Posted by Diane At 8:49 PM

Thursday, November 5, 2009
Aww, im finally meeting someone normal. Sweet tooo. :)

Posted by Diane At 10:51 PM

Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Im always the middle person! Today was going home from school when mr ah beng talked to me. Maybe because ms china girl wasnt there. He started saying stuff about how weird ms china girl is. And sadly... its abit true. I cant help agreeing on some parts! All the other girls who know her also say negative things about her, like how nobody likes her and shes famous for being weird. But she talks to me everyday in lesson and lunch, its so evil to feel that way... He asked me to hang out with his friends instead! Lol! If i do ms china girl will probably kill me, she is always talking bad about mr ah beng. Which i think is abit true too! Hahaha nice, i get to hear both sides again.
Doesnt really matter who i hang out with. One side is an annoying girl that i will never really like as a friend. The other side is just a typical preppy guy who (has some motive) in being so accepting. He says being with her will make no one dare to talk to me. But i dont care. 'Image' is super duper important in high school, but i dont care. Maybe i can get to know his friends. Maybe i can just stay this way with a friend i do not like at all. Because none of it really matters. Because whichever way, i will be improving my chinese. (H)

Posted by Diane At 8:24 PM

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Hi, update on my boring shyt life. No other better pics to post. Hmm, halloween is over. Here halloween very cool, got alot of cute children trick or treating! I got invited to some halloween party and karaoke... but didnt go. Cause the person who invited me sucks.
I think china people love me alot, hahaha. Lame shyt guy there keep talking to me, ask me go out. Then i have to keep making all kind of excuses, zzz. Very very very sian. I keep being damn damn dao also no use, he just keeps asking to be friends!! Even want to talk on the phone. Anyway, they keep asking me who's my best friend. Then i have nothing to say, sigh...
Still dont get how to play wahjong. :(

Posted by Diane At 6:07 PM

Tuesday, October 20, 2009
(Guy in class does social presentation)

Teacher: Everyone write on a piece of paper what was good about his presentation and what you think can be improved.
Ms china girl: Your talk not good. Your face not good.

Hahahahahhaha. I see already keep laughing only. But damnnnn evil lor!! So insulting. If i get that i sure very hurt ok. But wtf!! She insisted on handing it in. And i thought his presentation was not bad, not those just read from screen kinds. Just the english not that good cause obviously he's a foreigner. And hes looks okay, normal looking. And i think if you wanna judge someone, at least be someone worth looking up to! Her english even worse than him, and not like she has a million dollar face. I just dont get some people. -_-

Forever forever judging people gosh she is soooo shallow. She absolutely loves those guys who are girls because they are 'damn' handsome. Got tons and tons of pictures of them and she keeps showing them to me! Stupid shyt, i cant stand all this shyt going into my ears everyday. Noise pollution.

Posted by Diane At 6:46 PM

Monday, October 19, 2009
Wtf, I cannot stop eating!! Keep eating and eating till I forget I'm full. Then I got a big tummy hahaha. But got an uncomfortable full feeling then I keep telling myself to skip a meal or 2 to feel better. But wth it's been 2 days and my goal haven't reach yet! Hahaha! Still feel terribly full everytime. My mouth damn itchy, no matter how full also will go around looking for food. If got the power to resist food then good. Reminds me of that time at weijie house then I ate all his food, ba gua chips an cookies. Heehee then he call me greedy girl. -.- Anyway I wish I can say no more often too, been buying the china girl free nice food and starbucks. And somemore I offered to! Truth is I still don't even like anything about her but idk what's wrong with me. She said she has never had starbucks before so I pitied her... And today she only had 2 bucks to buy a slurpee and I was buying a big hotdog bun too so I offered to buy for her again. Like shyt, I don't even get much money a week. But really still can't stand her lor, so whinny and ugh idk how to say. But she seems to like me alot heh. Downloading audition back is giving me a headache! Managed to yesterday but there were so many songs missing. Then I tries to fix it but messed it up instead, now can't even open. Gonna try and try till I get it back.

Posted by Diane At 9:29 PM

Thursday, October 15, 2009
Hi! I copy this way of posting pics from jingyuan. But dunno use what shyt program then can so use paint. Hee.

Only got 2 things to say:
I got banned in Azura. Wtf now my life very sad leh. Hahaha no game will die man. No lifee shyt. And my life very very very very very very boring. Boring until idk how to say. Zzzzzzzzzz!

Posted by Diane At 7:40 PM

Friday, October 9, 2009

Why does everyone think Robert Pattinson is so cute? To girls. I also dont know why. A teacher asked me in school whether i prefer Harry Potter or Twilight. Then i say, i think Twilight? She said - Because the guy is hotter right? Thats what all the girls say. Harry Potter is kind of geeky. Hahahaha!
"And, naturally, since Dakota is a teenage female, we couldn't resist asking the obvious question: If the actress shot a scene opposite heartthrob Robert Pattinson, could she keep herself under control?"He is very, very cute," she giggled. "But I'm sure I would be."
New Moon is coming out in November. Must catch to see Edward!

Posted by Diane At 9:43 PM

Wednesday, October 7, 2009
For Teenagers, Hello Means ‘How About a Hug?’

There is so much hugging at Pascack Hills High School in Montvale, N.J., that students have broken down the hugs by type:

There is the basic friend hug, probably the most popular, and the bear hug, of course. But now there is also the bear claw, when a boy embraces a girl awkwardly with his elbows poking out.
There is the hug that starts with a high-five, then moves into a fist bump, followed by a slap on the back and an embrace.
There’s the shake and lean; the hug from behind; and, the newest addition, the triple — any combination of three girls and boys hugging at once.
“We’re not afraid, we just get in and hug,” said Danny Schneider, a junior at the school, where hallway hugging began shortly after 7 a.m. on a recent morning as students arrived. “The guy friends, we don’t care. You just get right in there and jump in.”
There are romantic hugs, too, but that is not what these teenagers are talking about.
Girls embracing girls, girls embracing boys, boys embracing each other — the hug has become the favorite social greeting when teenagers meet or part these days. Teachers joke about “one hour” and “six hour” hugs, saying that students hug one another all day as if they were separated for the entire summer.

Schools that have limited hugging invoked longstanding rules against public displays of affection, meant to maintain an atmosphere of academic seriousness and prevent unwanted touching, or even groping.
But pro-hugging students say it is not a romantic or sexual gesture, simply the “hello” of their generation. “We like to get cozy,” said Katie Dea, an eighth grader at Claire Lilienthal Alternative School in San Francisco. “The high-five is, like, boring.”
Hugging appears to be a grass-roots phenomenon and not an imitation of a character or custom on TV or in movies. The prevalence of boys’ nonromantic hugging (especially of other boys) is most striking to adults. Experts say that over the last generation, boys have become more comfortable expressing emotion, as embodied by the MTV show “Bromance,” which is now a widely used term for affection between straight male friends.

Actually it is a little disturbing, so what to do? Ban hugging in school - Get suspended/detention for it. Hahaha kidding.

Posted by Diane At 9:14 PM

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Posted by Diane At 9:00 PM

Damn, i think i'm falling sick... Been sneezing non stop recently with the sick feeling and cant get rid of my blocked nose. So uncomfortable. Was sniffing throughout my whole test. Think its my fault for my eating habit all along. But i havent fallen sick in so long, a few years maybe? My eating habit is just sweet/salty food like some starbucks and ice-cream everyday. Cant change it.

Weather is getting so cold and there already is slight slow this fall. Gonna get worse and worse till next year. Must wear moisturizer everyday or your skin will just dry up and crack! But i only bother to put on my face every morning and night, nobody looks at your legs anyway. Wear jeans to cover. :) And going to school everyday freezing sucks.
K bye, off to blow my nose.

Posted by Diane At 6:54 PM

Tuesday, September 29, 2009
I hate people who lose their temper. I hate it when you shout & raise your voice to get what you want. I hate following every single thing you want me to do or be. A counceller once told me that I nv feel anger because I pile it all with all the sadness I feel instead. Instead I feel all the tears and sorrow instead of any bit of anger or resentment. Sometimes I wish I can feel angry instead of sadness. But i cannot help it, I can only hide it. The past year has not made me any better but only made me learn to hide my feelings as there is no point in showing how I feel. Nothing is going to change anytime soon. I learn to keep myself distracted and not think or talk to anyone about it. I watch tv and play games to keep my mind off it and other times I pretend I am okay with everything. How does it feel like having to pretend everything is fine everyday when it isn't? I have to. Then you even control these small things I want to do to keep my mind off. I may be feeling anger inside as well but all I know is that I'm really really unhappy about everything. Everyday. You control everything that I want and everything you make me do or want me to be is everything I don't. Sorry I'm not even close to being perfect. I don't have a single real friend here with me, I love my family but how unhappy I am is because of everything they force me to do. I'm still young and I know they're doing it all for my own good but it's hard to see it or live with it when I have to feel this way everyday. I will always know that I am feeling unhappy and lonely inside even though I don't show it. Wish there is a solution for my to feel better. Should be putting my iPod away and getting some sleep now. Sigh. So much for writing out my feelings.

Posted by Diane At 10:02 PM

Friday, September 25, 2009
Sucker leh, my maple account got bugged since jasper unstucked me! Soo unlucky. My 'use' inventory cant hold anything so means i cant buy pots. Emptied all the items in my account but still... Unlucky man. Anyway they went to zak (2 ppl) trying to make new record in maple history. But i have no pots so can only look. They're still trying now so boring i cant help! Gm says he'll try to help me but no guarantee that it can be fixed. Means i might not be able to play anymore. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Unlucky again.

Hehe gm made me invisible so i cant get hit ^^

Posted by Diane At 4:27 PM

Thursday, September 24, 2009
I spoilt my laptop screen, spoilt my phone button, spoilt my ipod touch earpiece, lost its adaptor, lost a brand new concealer and eyelash curler, lost a bus pass in the past 2 months. Yea sorry that everything dies in my hands.

Jennifer's body nice? I know guys only watch because of Megan Fox. School's just great, home is wonderful. Thought'd i was done with crying. I just knew losing something would just lead to tons of scoldings again. Losing it, so i have to learn my lesson? Cant you understand more. I didnt mean to lose it and im sorry im so damn unlucky. You think restrictions will make me better, you're wrong... China girl still talking to me non stop like im her best friend although i dont really like what she talks about. A guy in the class hitting on me. There is nothing i will ever be interested in or really happy about and nothing i'll be able to put my heart into. Such a pity thats just the way things are. Life is so awesome man.

Posted by Diane At 2:30 PM

Friday, September 18, 2009

Lina's pe shirt become my pjs and look like traffic police hahaha! Nothing to post so post this. Look dull without makeup. Goooooooodnight.

Posted by Diane At 5:59 PM

Monday, September 14, 2009
When you're fifteen
and somebody tells you they love you
you're gonna believe them
and when youre fifteen
feeling like theres nothing to figure out
well count to ten, take it in
this is life before who you're gonna be

when youre fifteen and your first kiss
makes your head spin round but
in your life you'll do greater than
dating the boy on the football team
but I didnt know it at fifteen

and when you're fifteen, dont forget to look before you fall
Ive found that time can heal almost anything
and you just might find who you're supposed to be
I didnt know who I was supposed to be at fifteen

Posted by Diane At 6:18 PM

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Very very bored, maple is down as usual! Camwhore with my webcam. See got different effects throughout the day, the window light i think. Todays so boring, everyday is! Just did the week's laundry. Just watched Xiaxue's new vid to pass time. No comment go see yourself.
Hmm i wanna do teeth whitening. I told my dad i want then he go buy me colgate whitening toothpaste. Zzz. My teeth looks so yellow, like i smoke like that. Hahaha. Later i got white teeth then can haolian to you all muhahaha.

I go watch Hannah Montanna already. And i lv 100 already! :) Post up when i can maple.

Posted by Diane At 6:46 PM

Friday, September 11, 2009
Lv 94 already! (But because i leech jer hehehe). I get so easily distracted man. No wonder lv so slow.

Think i did not bad for my tests! For once. :) Except i went to the wrong classroom and did the whole test there before realising it. So embarassing... Always these kind of things happen to me. Actually i go copy this girl's few questions for mcq for a test, cause i no confidence. Hahah, then turn up to be half the class have different answers. I erase my answers and change to hers. Sucker, always this kind of things happen to me too. My blog so boring, nothing to blog. Byebye.

Posted by Diane At 11:14 PM

Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Rich man's crying because his money is time;
Poor man's smiling because he knows he isnt blind.


Zzz, i forgot to turn up for something today which idk why i agreed to. Then he called me saying that he reach already. Then i have to make up a million excuses not to go and that i forgot. I really did forget! So sucky, i just dont feel like going anywhere. I feel like lying on the sofa and watching tv and playing azura (Sad azura is down). No mood, i always feel so moodless after a long day of school. Think i must have hurt his feelings, he kept asking and even offered to drive over to my house!! Hah, but i feel like theres no space to feel bad for him when i am already feeling this way everyday. Kind of hard hearted yea. Cant help it, feel like a complete idiot for ever saying yes. Being alone feels even better.

I'll just wait till that time comes. Even if it's a going to be a year plus another half year.

Posted by Diane At 5:45 PM

Everyday i spend 3 hours on transport to school, bus to train to bus... Learn to drive? Seems so hard, you'll only feel a want to if there's much more to your life. And theres so much time to kill on it, such a tedious cycle everyday. The weather isn't helping too, summer's ending and fall is approaching. Everyone looks forward to this time of the year because there's finally sun. And sun means outdoors where they all have fun. But makes no difference to me, because i dont enjoy being outside anymore. Or travelling, or school... Gah, dont wanna talk about this.

Breaking Dawn is almost finished. :) Sad that i have nothing to kill my spare time anymore. I would spend it all on azura if i could. But parents are always scolding me about using the com, zzz. What difference does it make? '1 hour a day.' I enjoy using it and it isnt gonna affect my grades or what. As long as i am not falling behind in class. Right? Rest of the day is always so dull. Gosh i sound so lifeless, but i cant deny it. I am falling behind in azura lor, everyone's level 100+ already and im still 89! Does that look like spending a lot of time on it? Zzz.

Jingyuan looks so stupid in azura now, like a botak woman!

Posted by Diane At 5:07 PM

Friday, September 4, 2009
Social class: Got this crazy annoying china girl. Thank god my chinese is lousy, then i can only understand half the words that she says with her strong fast accent. I think she is polluting my mind, all these unneccessary things she keeps telling me. Ah, and she only talks about 1 topic. Quite sickening to hear!! Teacher gave us some self evaluation form, and she wrote - I love you Mr Fuhr! I wish you are not married!! Plus some other dumb stuff that i am too embarassed to say. When she showed it to me she was giggling and i cannot help hiding my face. Felt like i want to pretend i dont know her as i am sitting beside her. So unlucky lor, nvm at least she likes me enough thats why she spills all her attention onto me. :) Ahem.

Posted by Diane At 8:42 PM


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